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Tuesday, December 9, 2014
I was excited a few months back to be involved with the A4 study for a drug to be given to pre-symptomatic dementia. Unfortunately I was screened out. My husband was to be my partner in this study and now he is considering being in the study with me as his study partner. I did well, evidently on the cognitive testing and proved healthy by medical exam but a glitch in the testing itself ruled me out. I plan to offer to be in other studies as I am in the HOPE study. It feels good to be a small part of the answer to Alzheimer's.
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"I was so frustrated all the time just trying to get him to shower. My coach made suggestions that always worked!"

Pandemic times
Monday, December 27, 2021
Since this pandemic started almost 2 years ago, we have been coaching remotely through telephone, Zoom and Facetime. The response has been overwhelming good. The family can choose a time ...   Learn More >>
Time of Life
Monday, December 27, 2021
I just perused previous blogs. I found one from 2015, saying I was ending my nursing career in a year or two. Well, it came this year on December 1st. ...   Learn More >>