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Season of peacefulness...
Monday, November 18, 2013
I cannot believe how long I neglect this blog! And now the holidays are fast approaching with so much to think about; shopping, cooking, baking, visiting. These are days when caregivers unfortunately don't consider what activities are important enough to invest in and which ones need to be altered. One cannot be a full time caregiver AND be the Martha Stewart of the season. You must ask for help, cut down on activities, and simplify the ones you invest in.
The person with dementia usually has a bit more difficulty adjusting to the changes that holiday activities bring. Be prepared! Slow down your pace to match his/hers and you'll no doubt have a much more peaceful season.
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"Coaching helped open my mind to what our mom is going through and how we can work to make her life better."

Pandemic times
Monday, December 27, 2021
Since this pandemic started almost 2 years ago, we have been coaching remotely through telephone, Zoom and Facetime. The response has been overwhelming good. The family can choose a time ...   Learn More >>
Time of Life
Monday, December 27, 2021
I just perused previous blogs. I found one from 2015, saying I was ending my nursing career in a year or two. Well, it came this year on December 1st. ...   Learn More >>