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The Orchestra
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Coach Francesca and I attended a wonderful seminar at Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology last Friday entitled' Cognitive and Emotional Aging'. One speaker likened the brain to an orchestra. "If the brain is a symphony, the frontal lobes act as the conductor-guiding, coordinating and directing the separate sections of the orchestra to produce a harmonious and integrated musical performance." This describes the utter importance of the frontal lobes. The brain is a mystical organ, forever amazing me as an Alzheimer coach. The more I learn of it the more fascinating it becomes.
Frontal lobes are not fully developed in the adolescent, thus the turmoil in emotions and judgment. Later, if dementia is the issue, it is human development in reverse; again there is turmoil emotionally (the frontal lobes are our social cop so to speak and help us regulate emotionality) and judgment again is affected. I spoke with a caregiver who was concerned because her father was favoring the young ladies in the facility where he resides. "He is acting like a teenager." she said. "Is he rude?" I asked. "Oh no, just saying things like, "If I were younger, I'd be struck on you." "Let him and the young ladies enjoy this exchange." I said.
I hope if I ever get dementia, people will let me be the teenager again. I was much too polite in my teen years. I'd like to break loose a bit and let my hippie come out.
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Pandemic times
Monday, December 27, 2021
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