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Boston Boston
Saturday, April 20, 2013
It is April 20 already. I have to digress today from speaking about dementia coaching to say how very proud I am of our city Boston. To apprehend the Marathon bombings suspects the law enforcement agencies thought outside the box. Instead of looking for 2 needles in a haystack, they removed the haystack, shutting down Boston to flush out the bombers. It took a surprisingly short 4 days. Everyone worked together keeping the citizens safe while swarming the city with helpers in blue and FBI black. The seige is long from over as people recover from the shock and the trauma caused by this cowardly act.
In a way though there are lessons her for dementia caregivers. They too must think outside the box; instead of working with their family member the way they used to, they learn new ways of getting the same result but in a novel way. Life is never the same after the trauma of a diagnosis of alzheimer's or related cognitive disorder. Just like the victims of the bombings have to learn how to live life from now on differently, so do those with dementia and their family.
Many years ago I endured trauma of a motorcycle accident. I lost toes and part of my right foot. I was told I wouldn't rush to catch a bus, ski, hike, or play tennis ever again. I hope the people who lost limbs in the bombing don't listen to such definitive future predictions. We make of life as it is dealt us by creating a new, albeit different life modified to adjust to what befell us. The caregivers I coach do just that. They learn to think outside the box; talk in a different, somewhat unnatural ,at first, way, behave in a different way, and practice until it works well. As I am proud of Boston today, I am in awe of the families I coach who don't give up when adversity strikes. They 'remove the haystack' and find the keys to better days ahead.
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"I was so frustrated all the time just trying to get him to shower. My coach made suggestions that always worked!"

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